Jodie Schlaefer
Post Doc
Jodie grew up in Canberra, Australia’s land locked capital. She loved all things science from a young age, and family holidays on the New South Wales coast fostered her fascination with the marine environment. Jodie completed her BSc (Hon, Marine Biology) in 2014 and her PhD in 2020, both at James Cook University, and both under the supervision of Prof. Michael Kingsford and Prof. Eric Wolanski.
Jodie’s research has principally focussed on how populations of aquatic organisms are shaped by both the traits/behaviours of the organisms and the physical properties of their environments. She has studied a variety of organisms including coral reef fish larvae, jellyfish and seagrass. As an ARC Laureate postdoctoral research associate in the Function Hub Jodie investigated the functions of currents from an ecological and physical perspective.