(inaugural) Reef Function Hub Awards 2021


In March 2021 we presented the inaugural annual Reef Function Hub Awards:

The Howard Choat Award for Outstanding Mentorship

The Best Publication Award

The Mentorship Award is named in honour of Emeritus Prof. Howard Choat whose mentorship underpinned the global leadership of Marine Biology at James Cook University, and who, to this day, continues to mentor scientists of the future.
The Mentorship Award is based on peer voting. Everyone in the lab can vote for everyone else.
This award is designed to recognize lab members who have made outstanding contributions to a collaborative lab environment through academic, personal and social collaboration, advice and mentorship.

 The Publication Award is selected by Dave Bellwood (in consultation with all lab members).
The selection criteria include:
1. Perseverance despite inane reviews,
2. Civility when confronted with bad editorial decisions, and
3. A capacity for academic resilience when making a perfectly good paper worse in line with reviewer requests.
Journal impact factors, citations and journal reputation are not taken into consideration.  

Each award includes AU$500 in funding, which can be used for any research associated costs.
Both awards were be presented at an informal Function Hub Ceremony event (a lunch) - in attendance of Emeritus Professor Howard Choat.


High coral cover doesn’t tell the whole story.


New paper: Drivers of eyespot evolution in coral reef fishes